Story Starters

If you gave 100 authors the same first two lines, they would create 100 different stories. That is because writing is very personal, and writers write about what matters to them. They put their personality and their heart into each story.

Let’s try it out! Use the story starter below to create your own story. Then, with an adults’ help, go to the contact page and email me your story! I will post the stories, along with my own version in June.

Story Starter:

“Tillie? Tillie? Till-” the wind swallowed our cries as we ran frantically through the cemetery.

“I can’t believe she pulled me all the way here before squeezing out of her collar.” I stopped and squinted through the misty autumn sunset. I’d usually see the beauty in an autumn walk, but this evening felt different. Colder maybe? 

“She is one playful dog,” my brother unzipped his jacket and took a moment to catch his breath, “Tillie loves a good game of hide and seek in the cemetery. We’ll find her.”